You’ll never guess what incredible new features iOS 17.5 brings to your iPhone!

Dive into the revolutionary world of iOS 17.5 and discover the incredible innovations that will transform your iPhone experience! 🚀

Beta 2 of iOS 17.5 allows direct installation of applications from the web

Discover everything new in iOS 17.5 with improved features and optimized performance for an exceptional user experience.

The long-awaited iOS 17.5 update brings a revolutionary feature to your iPhone. It is now possible to install applications directly from the web, thanks to beta 2 of the operating system. This new feature puts an end to the App Store monopoly and offers more choice to users.

Strict conditions for developers

Discover the new features and improvements brought by the iOS 17.5 update for your Apple device.

This new possibility, however, comes with certain conditions. Developers must be based in Europe, have been a member of the Developer Program for more than two years, and have an app with more than 1 million installs in the previous year. Despite these strict criteria, this openness allows developers to avoid platform-related costs.

Better integrated competing trackers

discover what's new in version ios 17.5 and enjoy the latest features of your apple device with this awaited update.

Another big new feature brought by iOS 17.5 concerns trackers competing with AirTags. Google and Apple have worked together to improve the integration of these trackers and allow users to receive alerts similar to AirTags. Tile, Chippolo, Samsung, Eufy and Pebblebee trackers are now supported by iPhone.

A special mode for repairs

If you need to send your iPhone in for repair, iOS 17.5 offers a special mode that makes this step easier. This mode turns off iCloud location and lock features, keeping your data secure while making repairs easier.

Clues about the next iPads

Finally, iPad users can also look forward to upcoming new features. iOS 17.5 codes hint at new features for the next iPads, such as a new Apple Pencil and a menu detailing the tablet’s battery status. Apple continues to innovate and improve its products to offer an ever more satisfactory user experience.

In conclusion, iOS 17.5 brings remarkable new features to your iPhone. Direct installation of applications from the web, improved integration of competing trackers, special mode for repairs and hints on the next iPads are all reasons to update your device and take advantage of all these improvements.

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