Will Apple manage to deliver 10% more new iPhones this year despite the obstacles of 2023?


Title : Will Apple manage to deliver 10% more new iPhones this year despite the obstacles of 2023?
Keywords : Apple, iPhone, delivery, obstacles, 10%

In 2023, Apple faces a major challenge: increasing its iPhone deliveries by 10% despite the obstacles encountered. This iconic technology company will face major challenges to achieve this ambitious goal.

The year 2023 was marked by logistical challenges for Apple, limiting the delivery of around 81 million iPhone 15s in the second half. Despite these difficulties, the apple brand displays optimistic ambitions for 2024 with a clear objective: to ship at least 90 million iPhone 16s.

Objectives and expected growth

Apple informed its suppliers and partners that they were targeting growth of around 10% in terms of shipments of new iPhones compared to their predecessors, despite the challenges faced in 2023. This strategy highlights their confidence in the potential of the new iPhone 16 range .

The importance of AI-based services

To motivate this increased demand, Apple relies heavily on its artificial intelligence-based services (AI). AI-enhanced features could play a crucial role in attracting consumers to this new product line, offering enriched user experiences.

Persistent logistical challenges

The logistical problems of 2023 have not disappeared. Production capacity, supply chain and international tensions continue to pose challenges. Apple is actively working to resolve these issues to achieve its ambitious goals.

Proposed solutions

To overcome these obstacles, Apple is considering several approaches:

  • Strengthening relationships with suppliers
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Investment in new production technologies

Comparison of delivery capacities

2023 81 million iPhone 15s
2024 (objective) 90 million iPhone 16s
Expected growth 10%
Growth factors AI and new services
Challenges Logistics and supply chain
Solutions Optimization and innovation
Impacted countries International tensions
Production technologies Investment in progress

List of crucial factors

  • AI and new services
  • Supply Chain Optimization
  • Strengthening supplier relationships
  • Investment in production
  • Management of international tensions


Q: What is Apple’s delivery target for iPhones in 2024?
A: Apple aims to ship at least 90 million iPhone 16s.
Q: How did iPhone 15 sell in 2023?
A: Around 81 million iPhone 15s were shipped in the second half of 2023.
Q: What technologies is Apple using to increase demand?
A: Apple relies on services based on artificial intelligence (AI).
Q: What are the logistical challenges faced by Apple?
A: Challenges include production capacity, supply chain and international tensions.
Q: How does Apple plan to overcome these challenges?
A: Apple plans to strengthen supplier relationships, optimize the supply chain and invest in new production technologies.

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