THE electromagnetic waves are present in the direct environment of humans. They come from radios, televisions, ovens, telephones and even some light bulbs. In principle, their emanation is less, with a low risk of causing damage to health. However, in recent years, we have seen the constant evolution of technology: household appliances, cars, homes can now be connected. Smartphones have become real daily virtual assistants. We rarely part with them and an Internet connection is essential for their optimal use. With the democratization of the Wifi network and, more recently, 5G, the waves are multiplying. Do they have a direct effect on health? What means do we have to protect ourselves? We tell you everything about electromagnetic waves and fazup phone patch (anti–waves).
The different waves to which humans are exposed on a daily basis
What is an electromagnetic wave?
The electromagnetic wave (EOM) is composed of an electric field and a magnetic field. These two fields propagate in air, water and vacuum. They oscillate according to frequency (expressed in hertz Hz) and can thus be low or high frequency. The power of electromagnetic waves depends on their intensity. There are naturally generated waves, such as lightning, and anthropogenic waves, caused by humans. Waves can interact with matter (and therefore, humans as well):
- by vibrations, which will cause a thermal effect. This is particularly the case for infrared and radio frequencies. We find this type of interaction in smartphones, WiFi or even radio;
- by ionization, that is to say that electrons are removed from matter by very high frequencies. We are talking here about X-rays and gamma rays. This interaction seriously alters the nature of matter, which is why it is dangerous for human health;
- by a photochemical reaction;
- by induced current, as can be seen for high voltage pylons (power lines). This current is induced for the lowest frequencies.
Daily exposure to electromagnetic waves
These days, most trivial actions generate waves: reheating food in the microwave, using home wifi, making phone calls, using the TV remote control, etc. Waves, more or less powerful, are the subject of numerous scientific studies, because they do not bypass obstacles. In fact, the human body is passed through by the waves of the devices and their effects are still being analyzed. However, they are essential to everyday life. Without them, it is impossible to access the Internet.
Protect yourself with an anti-wave patch
What is an anti-wave patch?
It is a device specially designed for smartphones. It is used to reduce the emission of EOM from phones, thus protecting people from their health effects. This is a patch that is affixed to the back of the phone, accompanied by instructions to help stick it correctly.
How the fazup phone patch works
The fazup phone patch, a device visible on, has an antenna printed in silver ink. It reduces the absorption of waves by up to 96% by the human body, more specifically the head. In the worst reception conditions (low battery, poor network conditions, etc.), a phone can produce a large quantity of waves. The patch has no effect on the quality of reception and transmission of telephone calls and complies with the DAS standard. The patch can last indefinitely if protected by the phone case.
Advantages of the anti-wave phone patch
The phone’s waves work by vibration (or rotation). This is why we can notice a warming when the phone is used to communicate for a long time. The patch reduces heating and integrates a passive broadband antenna. Users were able to notice:
- fewer sleep disturbances;
- fewer headaches;
- less tinnitus;
- less tingling;
- less ear heating.
It is necessary to check that the patch is compatible with the smartphone before purchasing it. Although around a hundred models are compatible, others are still being tested. The fazup phone patch is durable, however some precautions must be taken. It must be protected from friction and the internal circuit must not be altered, following an impact for example.
The effects of waves on health
The consequences of exposure to waves
Although research on the subject has not yet produced official results, certain repercussions of waves on the body are undeniable:
- biological tissues heat up;
- the nervous system is more stimulated than usual;
- vision becomes blurred;
- headaches appear, etc.
The waves to which people are exposed on a daily basis have, for the moment, no serious lasting effects. They are emitted at very low frequency, unlike X-rays. In the short term and below the imposed limit values, they do not impact health. However, the smartphone is a device that is used throughout the day. It is best to take measures to reduce the absorption of waves by the human body, especially with regard to children, pregnant women or people who wear an internal medical device.
Physical effects depending on the type of waves
Each type of waves has effects on the body, when exposed over a long term or when their power is high:
- Static electromagnetic fields cause skin reactions such as raised hairs or dizziness and nausea;
- induced currents (from 100 to 1000 mA/m²) stimulate excitable tissues and above 1000 mA/m², they cause fibrillation.
Preventive actions against exposure to telephone waves
Using the hands-free kit
It is best, as much as possible, to avoid holding your phone to your ear during communications. You can activate speaker mode or use a wired hands-free kit. Phone use should be regulated at home and children should be supervised so that their exposure time is kept to a minimum. In fact, children absorb more waves than adults.
Checking the phone’s SAR
Before purchasing a new smartphone, it is advisable to consult the technical sheet to check its SAR. This is the Specific Absorption Rate, an index which allows us to measure the waves emitted by a smartphone. It is measured in watts per kilogram. In France, the legal SAR must not exceed 2w/kg for 10 g of adult human tissue.
Good gestures
To reduce exposure to electromagnetic waves, here are some habits to adopt:
- keep the phone away from the body when not in use;
- do not place the phone on the bedside table when sleeping;
- use an anti-wave patch;
- keep baby monitors away from the child’s head;
- minimize calls in the car, because the metal bodywork retains the waves inside;
- telephone in the best reception conditions;
- avoid using the telephone in areas where the network is weaker;
- prefer the wired hands-free kit to the Bluetooth kit;
- Restrict phone use to children.