Is Apple allowing rivals to use contactless payments while EU Commissioner Vestager warns of tech fees?


  • Does Apple allow rivals to use contactless payments?
  • European Commissioner Vestager warns against technology fees.

In the technology sector, the issue of access to contactless payments and technology fees is currently generating debate. While Apple could allow its rivals to use this technology, European Commissioner Vestager warns of possible abuse linked to these fees. These topics highlight the competition and innovation challenges faced by market players, highlighting the importance of regulations to ensure a fair and transparent environment.

Competition and contactless payments

The tensions between Apple and its competitors continue to grow. The Cupertino company, known for its closed ecosystem, is criticized for not allowing other companies to use its technology. contactless payment via NFC (Near Field Communication). As a result, players like Google and Samsung are unable to offer their payment solutions via Apple devices.

The Role of Margrethe Vestager

There European Commissioner to Competition, Margrethe Vestager, is increasingly expressing its concern about this situation. She warns against technology costs high rates imposed by technology giants on consumers and businesses. Vestager calls for strict regulation to ensure fair competition and protect European users.

European Commission investigation

The European Commission has opened an investigation to determine whether Apple’s practices violate the principles of free competition. If the accusations are proven, Apple could be forced to open up its contactless payment technology. This situation raises the question of whether Apple is ready to modify its policy to avoid sanctions potentially heavy.

Impact on Consumers and Businesses

The limitations imposed by Apple not only affect its competitors, but also users. Consumers do not have the option to choose their preferred payment service on Apple devices, which is seen as a restriction of choice. Businesses, for their part, incur additional costs when they want to offer payment services tailored to Apple products.

Advantages and disadvantages

However, Apple defends its practices by highlighting the benefits in terms of security and simplicity for users. The company highlights the enhanced security of its closed system, compared to more open systems which could be more exposed to risks.

Apple Competitors (Google, Samsung, etc.)
Closed ecosystem Advocates open systems
High level of security More options but variable security
High technology fees Less additional costs
Strict application control More freedom for developers
No support for other NFC payment solutions Support for various payment solutions
  • Apple: Closed ecosystem
  • Competitors: Advocates open systems
  • Apple: High level of security
  • Competitors: More options but variable security
  • Apple: High technology fees
  • Competitors: Less additional costs
  • Apple: Strict application control
  • Competitors: More freedom for developers
  • Apple: No support for other NFC payment solutions
  • Competitors: Support for various payment solutions


Does Apple allow its competitors to use contactless payments on its devices?
No, Apple limits the use of contactless payments to its own service, Apple Pay.
What are the benefits of using Apple payment solutions?
Benefits include a high level of security and ease of use thanks to Apple’s closed ecosystem.
What are the disadvantages for consumers?
Consumers are limited in their choice and often face high technology fees.
What is the European Commission doing about this?
The European Commission is conducting an investigation to verify whether Apple’s practices comply with competition rules.
What could be the sanctions for Apple?
Apple could be forced to open its contactless payment technology to competitors and pay fines.
What are Apple’s arguments to defend its practices?
Apple says its closed system provides better security and a more consistent user experience.
How does this affect app developers?
App developers are restricted by Apple’s strict rules, reducing their creative and commercial freedom.
Is Margrethe Vestager involved in this affair?
Yes, Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition, is strongly involved and campaigns for stricter regulation.
What are the technology costs mentioned by Vestager?
Technology fees include additional costs imposed by Apple on businesses wishing to offer payment solutions compatible with Apple devices.
Are there alternatives for consumers?
Yes, but they are limited on Apple devices, forcing users to favor Apple Pay.

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