What if Apple had a secret method to make you spend more on Patreon?


  • Marketing strategy of Apple: Exploring the hidden methods that encourage spending.
  • Consumer psychology : Analysis of purchasing behavior influenced by Apple.
  • Patreon as a key platform: How Apple could exploit this trend.
  • Technology : Apple tools and features that increase engagement on Patreon.
  • Importance of subscriptions : Understand Apple’s economic model through services.
  • Impact on creators : The consequences for content creators on Patreon.
  • Data analysis : Using customer data to maximize spend.

In today’s hyperconnected world, companies are competing in ingenuity to capture our attention and encourage consumption. Among them, Apple, a true marketing maestro, could well have a trick up its sleeve when it comes to online spending. Imagine for a moment that the Apple brand has developed a secret method, subtly integrated into its ecosystem, to encourage you to invest more on platforms like Patreon. What invisible strategies could be hidden behind this frenzy of digital consumption? Let’s explore this intriguing hypothesis together, with a dose of analysis and a hint of mystery.

Let’s take a look at what’s going on behind the scenes of big tech. In 2024, Apple has decided to take a 30% share of payments made in the iOS application of Patreon, a platform for creators to monetize their content. A clever move or just another trick to fill their coffers? Let’s take a closer look.

A disguised tax?

Let’s take a concrete example. Imagine you are a creator on Patreon. You charge your subscribers €10 per month to access exclusive content. Using the iOS app, your subscriber will pay that $10, but you as the creator will only see $7 because Apple takes 30%. This pushes you to increase your rates to compensate for this loss, which in turn could deter some subscribers.

Users and developers trapped

Developers and users find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Creators like you face two choices: absorb the cost or pass it on to their subscribers. You don’t like this decision? Well, good luck getting around the strict App Store rules without getting banned.

Workaround strategies

Some creators thought of a workaround: invite subscribers to pay through an external website. But here again, Apple was not born last night. The Cupertino company imposes severe restrictions on the communication of these alternatives.

The creators respond

Many creators are not at all thrilled with this decision. Some are even considering withdrawing from the Apple ecosystem, although this is often impractical. Apple has a huge user base, and leaving this platform could mean losing a substantial portion of its potential audience.

Action Impact
30% levy Creators receive less money
Price increase Potentially deterred subscribers
Workaround Risks of banning from the app store
Restricted communication Difficult to point out alternatives
Apple user base Possible loss of audience by leaving the ecosystem


Why does Apple take a percentage of Patreon payments?

Apple charges a 30% commission on in-app payments as a standard policy for all transactions within their ecosystem.

Some methods, such as paying via an external website, are possible but risky and restrictive due to Apple’s rules.

Yes, other tech giants like Google have similar policies, although the percentages may vary.

Creators might consider migrating to platforms with lower fees or discouraging the use of iOS through discreet communication.

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