Discover how the ‘Clean’ tool in Apple’s Photos app will transform your gallery into a masterpiece!


  • To clean: an innovative application tool Pictures from Apple.
  • Transform your gallery photos in one masterpiece.
  • Eliminate them duplicates and blur photos quickly.
  • Interfaces intuitive to facilitate selection.
  • Improve the quality from your image collection.
  • Optimizing storage space on your device.
  • Makes it easier to share memories precious.

In today’s digital world, our photo galleries can quickly become a veritable maze of images, often cluttered with duplicates, blurred photos or forgotten memories. Apple has understood this challenge and offers us a revolutionary tool in its Photos application: ‘Clean’. This tool promises to not only simplify the management of your library, but also improve the quality of your visual memories. Discover how ‘Clean’ will transform your gallery into a carefully curated masterpiece, ready to be admired and shared.

A revolutionary tool to improve your photos

The Photos app on iOS 18.1 introduces an incredible new feature: the “Clean” tool. Using this tool, you can now remove unwanted objects of your photos in just a few clicks, transforming each image into a masterpiece. Whether it’s an annoying object or a small detail that disrupts the harmony of your photo, « Clean » allows you to easily correct these imperfections.

How to use the ‘Clean’ tool?

To use the « Clean » tool, simply open a photo and click the edit button. Select the eraser icon representing « Clean. » If an unwanted object is detected, it will be automatically highlighted. Just click on it to delete it. If it is not detected automatically, you can move your finger around the object to select it.

Optimization of results

The Clean tool works best when the background is clear and not cluttered. The smaller the object to be deleted, the more natural the rendering will be. For larger objects or a complex area, it is sometimes necessary to pass several times to obtain a perfect result.

Limitations of the ‘Clean’ tool

Currently, « Clean » cannot be used on Live Photos or videos. Enabling this tool will disable Live Photos, but you can always re-enable them later without losing your changes.

Compatibility and reversibility

The « Clean » tool is compatible with all kinds of images, including old photos, screenshots and photos taken by other devices. All adjustments made with « Clean » are reversible, allowing you to return to the original image at any time.

Function Description
Automatic deletion Detects and highlights unwanted objects for quick removal
Manual selection Outline or scribble over objects to remove them
Light background Works best with uncluttered backgrounds
Compatibility Works with all images except Live Photos and videos
Reversibility Returns to the original image
  • Automatic removal of unwanted objects
  • Manual selection for increased precision
  • Light background recommended for best results
  • Incompatibility with Live Photos and videos
  • Ability to revert to the original image if necessary

Frequently asked questions

Q: How do I access the ‘Clean’ tool?
A: Open a photo, tap « Edit » and select the eraser icon.
Q: Does the ‘Clean’ tool work with Live Photos?
A: No, using ‘Clean’ will disable Live Photos.
Q: Can I use the tool on videos?
A: No, ‘Clean’ is only for still images.
Q: Are changes reversible?
A: Yes, you can revert to the original image at any time.
Q: What type of background is recommended for good results?
A: A light, uncluttered background is ideal.
Q: Can I remove large objects with this tool?
A: ‘Clean’ works best for small objects. Deleting large objects may require multiple attempts.
Q: Is this tool available on all versions of iOS?
A: No, the ‘Clean’ tool is available from iOS 18.1.
Q: How do I know if a photo has been edited with ‘Clean’?
A: A note in the metadata indicates that an AI edit was made.

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