As Apple’s big launch approaches, India’s first ad for the brand goes viral


  • Apple creates an event by inaugurating its first stores in India
  • India’s first ad for iPhone 6s becomes viral
  • The campaign conveys a specific message: “Now made in India »
  • India is now a strategic market for Apple

Apple is preparing to mark a crucial milestone in its global expansion with the inauguration of its first stores in India. To celebrate this event, the brand unveiled a local ad which quickly captivated the audience and went viral. This article explores Apple’s ambitions in India, the details of this sensational advertisement, and the strategic importance of this market for the company.

A strategic market for Apple

India has become a key territory in Apple’s growth strategy. After several years of waiting, the company finally opened its first store in India on Tuesday in Mumbai, and plans to open a second store as early as Thursday. The appeal of this market seems obvious: a growing middle class and rapid adoption of smartphones.

In response to this growing demand, Apple has also accelerated the assembly of its iPhones in India, notably with the assistance of Foxconn. Local manufacturing is strategic not only to meet market needs, but also to circumvent high customs duties on imported goods.

Details on the opening of the first Apple store in India

The first “Made in India” ad

On the occasion of this historic launch, Apple unveiled an advertisement proudly proclaiming “Now made in India” for the iPhone 6s. Although this model was released four years ago, this message resonates strongly in the Indian context, where local manufacturing is not only valued but encouraged by government policies.

Spotted by Varun Krishnan, this advertisement highlights not only the quality and reliability of Apple products but also their contribution to the local economy. You can discover this advertisement by following this link.

An effective marketing strategy

Apple is no stranger to memorable ads, having a rich history of iconic campaigns. However, Indian advertising marks a turning point in its branding strategy. Rather than focusing solely on the product, it emphasizes local impact and social responsibility, elements that resonate strongly with Indian audiences.

The virality of this ad is amplified by social networks, where users massively share the message and demonstrate their national pride. Platforms like TikTok play a crucial role in this rapid diffusion, obviously a further illustration of the power of social networks in the current advertising landscape.

Discover the history of the Apple logo

Impact on advertising revenue

Changes in iOS updates have significantly boosted Apple’s advertising revenue. In the post-ATT (App Tracking Transparency) landscape, Apple has managed to increase its advertising market share, now rivaling giants like Google. This competitive advantage is particularly visible in India, where the iOS ecosystem is increasingly adopted.

Indian users, benefiting from the latest updates, thus contribute not only to the virality of Apple’s advertising campaigns but also to their increased profitability. This allows the brand to strengthen its presence in a market where demand is constantly increasing.

Apple’s big launch in India, marked by the opening of its first stores and the publication of its first viral local ad, represents a significant step in the brand’s expansion. With an integrated strategy, combining local manufacturing, engaging advertising campaigns and technological innovation, Apple is well positioned to captivate the Indian market and strengthen its position among the web giants.

Apple conquering the Indian market

Viral advertising campaigns

Appearance Detail
Featured product iPhone 6s
Advertising slogan Now made in India
Production model Made locally
Opening of stores First store in Mumbai, second in Bangalore
Advertising impact Viral advertising in India
Market strategy Expansion and regional anchoring
Manufacturing Partner Foxconn
Key dates First store open Tuesday, second Thursday
  • Local manufacturing strategy
  • Importance of the Indian market
  • Boost advertising revenue
  • First Apple stores open in India
  • Promoted model: iPhone 6s
  • Advertisement “Now made in India”
  • Post-ATT Footprint Increase
  • Inauguration in Mumbai and Delhi
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